Over $660,000 invested over the last 10 years!
Healthcare has been a one of the pillars of focus but it is a difficult one to address. We have invested in innovative approaches to enhance exercise and healthy eating!
We have supported healthcare for women, children and families. Healthcare in our country and our region is complex but it is essential to build a vibrant community. With your help we have invested in health and well being at a women's shelter and partnered with food bank to help schools encourage young minds to eat healthy breakfasts so that they can focus on learning!
Education has the power to transform and elevate! Once you develop that habit of learning you can continue to build from where you are, as and when you want. We are committed to supporting the educational efforts of Children and Adults who want to use it to propel themselves to greater heights or to even pull themselves out of poverty and homelessness.
Over the last 3 years, with the enthusiastic support of runners and walkers, we have raised funds for supporting education for Women and Children. We are also supporting efforts in educating homeless people and helping them get back to the workforce and reintegrate with society.
First Responders
Each day Pittsburgh Brave and Finest are working to keep us safe. We have been supporting efforts to ensure the safety of our Firefighters, Police Officers, by raising funds for equipment and ongoing training. These include advanced simulated exercises such as Backdraft Fire Training for Firefighters and Shoot-Don’t Shoot Training for Police Officers.
Did you know that there are homeless children in every single school district in Allegheny County including yours?
Countywide, estimates suggest more than 3,000 children are homeless, which includes families who double or triple-up with other families or live in hotels or their car (source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review, August 17, 2017). An individual may be considered to be homeless if that person is “doubled up,” and are forced to stay with a series of friends and/or extended family members.