Did you know that there are homeless children in every single school district in Allegheny County including yours?
Countywide, estimates suggest more than 3,000 children are homeless, which includes families who double or triple-up with other families or live in hotels or their car (source: Pittsburgh Tribune Review, August 17, 2017). An individual may be considered to be homeless if that person is “doubled up,” and are forced to stay with a series of friends and/or extended family members.
Some Sample projects addressing those at or near Homelessness:
1. Chartier's Center: Mary's Market where you can go to get food supplies when things are tight, perhaps at the end of the month ($20,000: Even set up a mobile Mary's Market at the Veteran's Administration to make it easy for Veterans)
2. Jubilee Kitchen: Assisting those facing poverty, joblessness or homelessness ($24,000, Preventing Homelessness Program and Path to Self Sufficiency Program)
3. Greater Pittsburgh Community Foodbank ($105,000: Over one million meals to families in need during Covid)
4. Energy Innovations Center Institute ($30,000: To provide training support and assistance to avert or pull people out of homelessness)