Thank You!
Get FREE Tickets to PIC5K '2024
Thank you for your generous donation!
Your family is invited to attend the PIC5K event on Saturday, September 14, 2024 at North Park boat house. It will be a free event where you can run a 5K, walk 1K, enjoy refreshments and food and have a lot of fun. Please do not forget to register. We will send you a reminder if you have included your email during sign up.
Kindly encourage your friends and colleagues to donate and help us to get to 1000 donors this year!
Please note that your contributions to PIC5K are tax-deductible under IRS 501(c)3 Rules.
Contributions from donors/sponsors like you, helped in our donations to the Pittsburgh based non-profit organizations scale to high levels every year since inception and we thank you for your donations.
You can be a sponsor at the level you feel comfortable in and help us further by reaching out to your friends to get them sign up as sponsors.
Your Donations Count!
Our Goals
Help people at or near Homelessness
Invest in the
Greater Pittsburgh Community
Help disadvantaged Children and their families